The $OMETA token is issued by the Open Meta Association (“OMA”), a non-profit Swiss Association established in Zug, Switzerland which represents the legal entity of the Open Meta DAO community being all the $OMETA token holders. The OMA operates solely in accordance with the articles of association that define its mandate. It holds the assets of the OMD including the treasury wallets and executes on the decisions voted on by community governance regarding the Emergence Protocols.
No $OMETA token holders are entitled to participate in any distribution of the assets or income of the OMA or to have any participation rights in the OMA governance just for being token holders.
Crucible Networks Ltd, a software development company, was funded via grants from the OMA to develop the Emergence SDK as the first product to be made available to the OMD community and will launch the Marketplace in Q4 2024. The core team is employed by Crucible Networks.
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